Argile Ecossais Wallanklagebank

Thursday, November 22, 2007


So I'm realizing today that I have A lot to be thankful for...

Jesus died for me, and The Father loves me, and Holy Spirit is the comforter.

I'm working today 3-11pm but totally in a good mood. Brandon and his mom, Staci, brought me an awesome Thanksgiving dinner. She even wrapped things individually and then they stayed while I ate!!! I can't wait to get to the pies.

We just got a foot of snow this weekend an Missoula is beautiful!!! There were weird flashes of green and blue light off and on during that Saturday night. We aren't sure what that was. Lightning while it was snowing?

I was just reading in our front desk log that this snow caused lots of problems here at the motel. Everything having to do with electricity went wrong. Poor lady. The next night's graveyard shift was also eventful for her. That's all I'm going to say. Its been some very entertaining reading while at work.

So the night after the foot of snow some friends and I decided to go sledding. Very fun. We found a spot near "Mansion Hights" with a pond at the bottom... There was a lot of snow and a really wide trail half way down so we "weren't worried." We went down that for a while, then another spot then went back to the pond one and decided to make chains as we slid down the hill. the first chain 5 tubes 6 people went well. For the next chain i sat on top of the front person. and we started going. but then half way down we got bunched up and i fell off. but the people in the back were still coming. Everyone hung on well and in no time the very back person was the very front person but sliding backwards... towards the pond. I jumped back on after i saw they were still going but backwards. Then I jumped off when i realized that they weren't making any effort to stop sliding down the hill as they got close to the pond. They all went in one after another, one still hanging onto another. Woops. That was our last run. Afterwards, we went to the guys house and had hot chocolate and i studied for my Greek test and found out that i really like U2. We are going to play U2's song 'One' for guitar class.

I wish you all a Very Happy Turkey Day.

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