Recent Life Events.

AS IF, Like gnarly dude (or dudette), i've had an AWEsome time the last few weeks. First of all
we had a "back to the 80's night" for our bodacious babe scottish mairi on her day of birth. you can see me in picture one here with the best i could do to make a "boss" hairdoo after just getting my hair cut from an arab guy down the street. (he did an AWEsome job). doesn't my hair look boss? and i love my sunglasses, borrowed them from Catherine. i'm difinately dressed yuppie. i kinda want to keep the doo.
This second picture is a pic of these bodacious babes are stellar to the max, like way dudes. the first dudette is Ellie and the next is Liv. they live with me in our little "corridor." and Gross me out, gage me with a spoon, make me wanna barf, these girls deked me out saying the wanted to take a photo of a "crap" in a pan for our pancake (crepe) night. i guess i misunderstood the accent or the pronunciation and she really ment crepe. we definately busted a gut afterwords. Word, it was funny.
These next girls are trippendicular. they are Catherine (white coat, quebec) and Silka (brown coat, belgium) definately some boss girls to hang with. and they're not posers at all.
Ok i'm like totally done with the "cowabunga dude" talk. (translate at
here is me eating a crepe with nutella (at our now offically "crap in a pan night." ) And if you noticed (i hope you did) i have alot of pics up, this means that i now have wireless net in my room. totally cool.
here are some pretty cool french friends i've met, the first is Hoby he's half french half Madagascar and then theres matilde my "marraine" or god-mother (also known as my buddy in the buddy system here). Hoby loves americans and all america is about, in this way he is quite different than any european type i've met. I actually might end up living with Hoby and his cousin aunt and uncle as i am looking for a family to live with next semester to improve my french. it will be sad to leave the Saggitire (sp?) but its a must for my french skills. Matilde is catholic and Hoby "has been lutheran since before i was born." they both speak english very well.

Next is a bunch more friends hangign out on my bed under the french flag i bought. you can also see my balcony.
Before: 2 days b4 the school election we got pounded by phampleteres. the after affect was overflowing garbages at the entrance. this means that no one even looks at the phamplets as the get them they just toss them at the first sign of a garbage and dont care if they over flow.
After: the day of the election one party got very smart and put a box out with their name on it to collect all the debris. nomore paper mess. and if i had gone to the election i would have voted for Idee because they came up witht he most ingenious idea with the box. no one reads the phamplets so put your name on a garbage and get noticed while keeping then entrance free from a mess of papers. I was litterally impressed by this. i'm really glad i took pics of it.
well i guess that is all for now, time to start on my tonne of homework. Clay
I like the cowabunga dude picture...
Hey Clay!
It's your cousin from Canada! How's things?? Anyways just wanted to see if I would get to see you at Christmas?? Would love to show you some wedding pics...Hope to see you soon and take care!
Luv Jane
hey so you do write how you question, what about the russian women? well I am glad to see your pics up so quickly...looking spiff (translate that!) I miss you and am trying to survive with out your constant acountability right there. I will talk to you in a bit-hopefully.
Hey Claaaay !!!
I see you have also got a ton of homework...we're finally in the same boat (I feel for you), and these few weeks are just so crazy...i'm sorry we couldn't hang out more lately, I've just been so busy with the application forms and december exams preparation :( AHH !! Christmas is in less than a month. At least we'll see each other then ;)I'm excited!! I have like 0 spare time this and next week because lots of teachers are catching up missed classes during our rare free time *grr* meaning Tuesday afternoon and Friday at lunch time*double grr*
And AHH ! encore, j'ai pas écrit en Franç suis navrée.*oops*
J'espère qu'on pourra se voir avant la fin des cours quand même...sinon il faudra qu'on décide quand tu veux venir chez moi, à St Rémy! :)
Hey Clay! Happy late Thanksgiving! I am definitely enjoying all the pictures.
Richard! I miss you, friend, I'm sorry I have not kept in better touch, but you are missed and will be warmly welcomed when you come home!
this is awesome. we need to have a bodatius party like this when you get back.
dude you should check out my blog. i had a crazy day.
where have you been all my life???
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